Thursday, September 29, 2016

Autumn is here! Prepare and protect your home with these easy projects.

Fall is here! It's a beautiful time of year and a season for shedding the old to make way for the new. Make sure your home stays beautiful and safe with these simple projects.


  1. Inspect and clean your fireplace.
  2. Pest-proof your home in anticipation of colder weather. Critters enjoy your heat almost as much as you do.
  3. Check air filters for cleaning or replacement.
  4. Clean ceiling fans and set the blades to run clockwise.
  5. Check insulation levels in attic, basement, and crawlspaces.
  6. Organize closets and garage.

  1. Seed lawn, fertilize cool-season grass, and apply pre-emergent herbicide.
  2. Check windows and doors for gaps; filled with weatherstripping and caulk as needed.
  3. Prune trees and remove dead branches.
  4. Check roof for missing, loose, or damaged shingles.
  5. Clean gutters and downspouts.
  6. Wash windows.
  7. Shut down pools.
  8. Shut down sprinkler systems.
  9. Remove leaves from and clean outside structures such as walkways, awnings, and storage sheds.
  10. Store your patio furniture.
Click on links for a further explanation of why each project is important to protect your home.

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Shady's Back

After a six year hiatus, three kids, a marriage and several career changes, I'm back. This time, my motivation is a little different. Allow me to outline what my intent is here. This is more an organizational exercise for myself, but heck, you can read it anyway.

Disseminate information that is interesting and relevant, and occasionally humorous or useful, to stay top of mind with clients, customers, friends, family, and acquaintances alike.

I won't limit myself to a narrow list of topics just yet. Let me get into the habit of putting material here first.

See again you real soon!